Friday, May 31, 2019
Class Distinictions in Pygmalion Essay -- essays papers
Class Distinictions in PygmalionPygmalion, by George Bernard Shaw, is a thrilling dramain which a scientist of phonetics tries to transform acockney speaking Covent Garden flower girl into a woman aspoised and well-spoken as a duchess. The play considerssome of the illusions of the class distinctions. This isrepresented by the characters, their situations, and theiraphoristic comments. Eliza Doolittle starts out as a sassy, smart-mouthedflower girl with disgraceful English. See goes to see professor Higgins to see if he will teach her to speakproperly and act more like a lady. This also would requireher to baffle a high-classed section of society. I want to be a lady in a flower shop stead of sellin atthe corner of Tottenham Court Road. But they substance abuse takeme unless I can talk more genteel. He said he couldteach me. Well, here I am ready to pay him non askingany favorand he treats me zif I was dirt. (1160) That was the flower girl, Eliza Doolittle, ta lking toColonel Pickering about how she want to become a lady andhow Mr. Higgins refused to help her because she belongs tothe lower-classed section of society. afterwards she finallyconvinces Mr. Higgins to help her, but to him she is just anexperiment of phonetics.Mr. Higgins is a high-classed professor of phonetics. He believes in concepts like visible speech, and used allmanners of record and photographic material to documenthis phonetic subjects. This reduces people and theirdialects into what he sees as easily understandable units. However, he is also a very eccentric man. He goes in theopposite direction from the rest of society for mostmatters. He is also very impatient with high so... ...g life means making bickering. Theres that one way of escaping trouble andthats killing things. Cowards, you notice, are alwaysshrieking to have troublesome people killed (1199). That was Mrs. Higgins talking to Liza. This comment thatshe made was definitely an aphorism. This is because shewas making a wise observation on trouble in life. She issaying that all parts of life including all social classeshave some trouble in them, but that is what makes it life. Without trouble life would be boring and pointless.The fact that Pygmalion contains illusions of classdistinctions is clearly shown through the characters, theirsituations, and their aphoristic comments. In Elizas questto become a lady she had to deal with many social classproblems, however, she overcomes them with the help of Hr.Higgins and becomes a high class lady.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
The Swing Behind My House :: Descriptive Essay About A Place
The Swing Behind My HouseOut behind my house, there is a row of fruit trees. At the end of the row, there is a meek open building with a swing inside. Sitting in that swing, I can see off the top of the ridge on which my family lives. When I depend upon there, looking down past the rows of trees and far into the distance, I realize that the place is mine. It is important to me because it is associated with so many memories, it gives me a place to be al atomic number 53, and it gives me a take a panorama to be outside in nature.I have grown up living in the same house my whole life, and that swing has been there for as long as I can remember. I have so many memories of that place. Some of my best memories have been very recent. Before we were dating, my female child and I would sit out there for long periods of time just talking. Now that place is full of memories of Karen. Even now it is comforting to sit there because it reminds me of those times. However, memories of my girlfr iend are not the only memories that place holds. Growing up, I have spent time there with both friends and family. I even have memories of sit down there alone, contemplating my lifes events.In fact, being alone is one of the reasons I go there so much. Having time alone is very important to me. It gives me a chance to think clearly without being interrupted. It seems as if there are now fewer and fewer places where that is possible. No one can bother me there. No one can yell at me, argue with me, or annoy me at all. I guess this place helps to keep me from going crazy. I think everyone demand some time alone. I know I do.Another wonderful quality about my spot on that swing is the fact that it is outside. It is out in the fresh air and natural light and away from technology. I never bring a cell phone or laptop there. I savour as if technology would somehow corrupt the natural beauty of the spot. I do not need to worry about telephones, cell phones, or e-mails in that spot. The beauty of nature is enough for me. It helps me to clear my mind and gives me time to reflect on what is really important in my life.
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